Ten. Years. Being. Afraid. Of. You.
The first diary I posted here, about Elizabeth Edwards, freaking terrified me. Oh, I did it, almost vomiting in my mouth.
Rightfully, you, and me too, are a tough group.
I am not afraid of you now. I have done many Community Diaries seeking help for someone who needs it.
Today, our candidate, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, needs our help. Against a huckster, con artist, bullshit artist, evil, rat bastard who thinks his shit doesn’t stink, privileged, small fingered white boy, (disclaimer, I’m a 65 year old goddess), and yes, white, who wants nothing more than to suppress the likes of you and me.
You know what? I will survive him. My hubby and I are blessed. Many of you, my friends and compatriots, won’t.
This evil, and he is, little shit needs a smack down, the likes of which I am sure his priveleged fat ass has never before seen.
Can we take it to him? Yes, we can! HT President Obama!
So, many folks have linked to the “press”, who I know by now hate me for all I have written to them, there are links everywhere to sound off. Please do it! They hate it. But they read it. I said, “they read it”. I wrote to them last week and bam! the next day, there were my talking points.
Please do it! It does make a difference.
We have so much to lose.