This will be short and sweet. From Wilmington NC, the now proclaimed island, we are ok. We got our power back this afternoon at 3:15, we still have food and thanks to neighbors we have gas for our generators just in case. We were six days without power, haven’t had mail in as long and a newspaper ain’t happening. How fortunate are we? Very.
I think so much about Puerto Rico and her people who have suffered for a year. Yes, we have challenges, deaths and pig poop to deal with but we are so blessed. Those in Puerto Rico have had no advantages, no help, nothing.
So, as I finally lay down for my first good nights’ sleep in a week I think of those folks who have spent a year like this and worse.
Rumor has it that Lord Dampnut was here today. I could not say. Gladly.
I asked Edrie to check me in as safe. I hope BlackMax and his kitties fared well. It’s hard to get news here so I don’t know. Frustrating but not life threatening.
Thanks community, I really appreciate you.
Tired, going to bed soon for the first cool night in a week. We will figure the grocery thing out tomorrow. Again, I mourn for Puerto Rico.